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How to Sell your English Language School Business (Part 3)
October 18, 2024
James Dixey

How to Sell your English Language School Business
Issue 8 is the final part in the linked series describing the 12 Critical Steps to a successful sale of your Language School business.
James will also share what he got right when he sold Pilgrims Language & Teacher Training Courses of Canterbury and also, the mistakes he made!
The final 4 Critical Steps on the way to a successful sale...
Write the Marketing & Sales Plan to sell your Business
- List all the possible types of Buyer such as: Trade; Private Equity; Direct Competitor; Buy & Kill; Synergistic; UK or Overseas; Buy for Residency; Private Investor; MBOs.
- Is your Language School business in a specialist sector of the market with limited buyers; or is the market for your business more open?
- Prepare your Hit List of possible Buyers by name.
- Prepare the Confidentiality Agreement.
- Write and distribute an anonymous Teaser to your Hit List. This says you are a business for sale and gives enough information to attract Buyers to ask for more information.
- Send a CA to those who respond to your Teaser.
- Write, design and produce a quality Information Memorandum about your business. This is a prospectus written to attract Buyers; and to ask them to Bid for your business.
- Distribute the IM and ask for Indicative Bids.
Sell it
- Run a competitive Auction.
- Identify the Top 3 Indicative Bidders.
- Open the Data Room; and invite Indicative Bidders to enter and then to place a Confirmed Bid subject to contract.
- Negotiate with Bidders.
- Sign HOTS with chosen Bidder.
- Hand over to your Solicitors and Accountants to Complete.
- Manage the Completion process.
- Keep 2nd and 3rd Bidders warm in case chosen Bidder pulls out.
STEP 9: Marketing & Sales Plan...
STEP 10: Selling...
Sign and Collect Cash!
Congratulations - now sail off into the sunset and go fishing!
How to Sell your English Language School Business continued/2...
STEP 11: Success...
STEP 12: The Reward...
Despite my 12 serious mistakes during the selling process...
- I sold Pilgrims at a record price for my industry.
- If I had been properly prepared, organised and advised, I could have got a lot more.
- But in the end, I got enough and sailed away into the sunset to ‘go fishing’!
PS: When James is NOT fishing, he is offering a 60 minute 1-1 tutorial on How to Sell your English Language School for only £200+vat.